Excursus on Madness versus Reason/Unreason
It is
instructive that the English translation of Foucault’s most famous work, Madness and Civilization (1973),[1] highlights madness versus reason (civilization).
In French, the original title was Folie et Déraison, or Madness and Unreason (1961). As Ian Hacking
points out in his Foreword to the complete English translation of the French
text[2] and elaborated in his essay, “Déraison,”[3] Foucault agreed with the English title and
collaborated in the editing of the first English edition which differed
significantly from the original French. This maps a dance of thought, a complex
archaeology between reason and unreason in the establishment of mental illness.
“The language of psychiatry,” Foucault argued, “is a monologue of reason about
madness” – revealing “a broken dialogue” that has fallen silent, a rupture that
was forgotten. Foucault’s work, he insisted, is neither a history of psychiatry
nor an archaeology of psychiatric discourse, “but rather the archaeology of
that silence.”[4] The major English translations of this
Foucauldian archaeology include: Madness: The Invention of an Idea, his introduction to Binswanger’s Dream
and Existence,[5] Madness and
Civilization (abridged version) and History
of Madness (complete version),
Psychiatric Power,[7] and his essay on “Madness and Society.”[8]
Edgardo Castro’s lexicon of the
Foucauldian oeuvre covers: Abnormal, Antipsychiatry, Apparatus, Asylum, Madness,
Medicine, Normal, Power, Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Psychiatry, Subject, and Subjectivation.[9]
[1] Michel Foucault, Madness and Civilization (1973);
intriguingly, no translator is named.
[2] Michel Foucault, History of
Madness (2006).
[3] Ian Hacking, “Déraison,” in: James D.
Faubion, ed., Foucault Now (2014),
pp. 38-51.
[4] Michel Foucault, Madness and Civilization (1973), pp. x-xii.
[5] Michel Foucault and
Ludwig Binswanger, Dream and Existence
[6] Michel Foucault, Abnormal
[7] Michel Foucault, Psychiatric
Power (2008).
[8] Michel Foucault, “Madness and society,” in: The Essential Foucault (2003), pp. 370-376.
[9] Edgardo Castro, El
Vocabulario de Michel Foucault – Un
recorrido alfabético por sus temas, conceptos y autores (Spanish original,
2004); Vocubulário de Foucault
(Portuguese translation, 2008).
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