Di Nicola, MD, PhD
Stoyanov, MD, PhD
Springer Publishing
New York
Premise of the volume:
The field of academic psychiatry is in crisis, everywhere.
It is not merely a health crisis of resource scarcity or
distribution, competing claims and practice models, or level of development
from one country to another, but a deeper, more fundamental crisis about the
very definition and the theoretical basis of psychiatry.
Is psychiatry a social science like psychology or
Is it better understood as part of the humanities like
philosophy, history and literature?
Or is the future of psychiatry best assured as a
From psychiatry in crisis as a medical discipline to
critical psychiatry casting for a new model …
What will be the result?
The “end of psychiatry” or its renaissance as something new and different, either as a more comprehensive
theory and practice of human being or as a new branch of medicine called the
Principal authors:
The two principal authors are both professors of psychiatry
with mainstream academic training, activities and appointments in respected
university departments of psychiatry. Both also share professional training and
engaged activities in the philosophy of psychiatry. Both Europeans, one working
in Europe, the other in North America, Professors Stoyanov and Di Nicola are
active in national and international organizations and together bring varied international
expertise to this study. From these informed perspectives, Di Nicola and
Stoyanov pose some fundamental epistemological and ontological questions about
the crisis of psychiatry, what they imply, and how to go about resolving them
to renew psychiatry today.
Vincenzo Di Nicola, MPhil, MD, PhD
Full Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry
University of Montreal
Drozdstoj Stoyanov, MD, PhD
Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology
Medical University of Plovdiv
Proposed Table of Contents:
Foreword (by a psychiatrist or a philosopher)
by Drozdstoj S.Stoyanov & Vincenzo Di Nicola
Part I: Psychiatry in
Crisis as a Medical Discipline
Drozdstoj S. Stoyanov
1. Methods
for clinical evaluation in psychiatry: quantitatve decomposition of narratives
vs. qualitative approach. Reconstruction of the methodological discrepancies
based on an exemplary case: Major Depressive Disorder
2. Psychiatric
nosology revisited: at the crossroads of psychology and medicine. Categorical
vs. dimensional; nomothetic vs. ideographic classification and nomenclature;
post-modern perspectives
3. Psychiatry
and neuroscience: at the interface. How to incorporate scientific data from
neuroscience without turning psychiatry into an applied branch of neurology
Part II: Critical
Vincenzo Di Nicola
1. The
Beginning of the End of Psychiatry: A Philosophical Archaeology
Psychology: Introspection and Consciousness
Foundations of Modern Psychiatry
Schizophrenia: The Worm in Psychiatry’s Apple
Excursus: The History of Psychiatry is Not
the History of Madness
2. The
End of Phenomenology
“Who Killed Ellen West?”
A Critical Review of Ludwig
Binswanger’s Foundational Case of Existential Analysis
3. The
End of Psychiatry
“Psychiatry Against Itself”
A Philosophical Archaeology of
Part III: Renewal in
Drozdstoj S. Stoyanov in Dialogue with Vincenzo Di Nicola
Afterword (by a psychiatrist or a philosopher)